Cantos do Trinca Ferro

by Flyinc

Music & Audio


Are you in love with the bird cracked iron ?? Then this app is for you!With the Cantos do trinca ferro app you will be able to train your bird any time of the day. You will also be able to see your iron crack evolve throughout your workouts.And still have fun with your whole family listening to the different sounds of the iron crack. In addition, you can even attract other birds close to you when using the app, as the crackers are attracted by the sounds of other specimens of their species.Corners:- 167 rare notes- Amazon- Boca Mole Uncle João Pedro Boi- Cowboy- Boiadeiro Paraná- Good morning Seu Chico Boi- Good morning Seu Chico Liso- Good morning Seu Chico Ronco- Currucutil- Currucutil Boi- Currucutil Boi II- Currucutil Ronco Boi- Tamburu Fiber- Greek Ox- Soft Greek- Smooth- Nine Ox Notes- Steel chest- Steel Chest Ox- Female joke- Female Joke II- Four Ox Notes- What I did my God- Fiber Repeater- Seven Notes- Seven Notes II- Im Terrible- Tempera Viola- Storm- Uncle João Classic- Training- Three Boi Notes- Three Notes Repeater- Real